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The Desire to Know

Travel, exploration, and curiosity are what make the human experience what it is. The desire to want to find out what lies beyond the next forest, the next mountain range, the next ocean, and the next planet is a driving force of mankind. Without this innate curiosity, we would probably still be hanging in a tree in Africa.

This desire to travel can be a daunting task for most. Where will I stay? How will I spend my time? What will I eat? Who will I meet? In this amazing time we live in these questions have never been easier to navigate. With social media and mobile devices, staying connected and finding the right information is as simple as a click of a button.

Travel can take many forms. From music festivals and retreats, to National Park camping and hotel weekend getaways. Some planned, some spontaneous. In this new series I hope to share with you the knowledge and insight I have obtained after ten plus years of travel.

We are going to explore how to make the most out a few hours in a new city. Or how to prepare for a music festival. Or were to find hidden hot springs for a night of relaxation. The world is full of unimaginable beauty and she is ready for us to see, feel, experience, and, most importantly, live what she has to offer.

I look forward to being with you on this journey as we explore life on our tiny organic spaceship, hurdling around a giant ball of plasma in what we call the human experience.

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